Four Corners Third Annual Man Show 2014
Four Corners will present its’ third annual “Man Show” with an opening reception on April 4th. This show features all the male artists of the gallery. It is a diverse show that has become very popular among Bluffton residents. This year’s artists are Jack Anderson, Doug Corkern, Wayne Edwards, Jim Lewis, Amiri Farris, Robert Highsmith, and Garth Swift.
Jack Anderson’s exquisite wood bowls are specimens. “The beauty in a piece is only limited by my ability to reveal it” through his unique carving and finishing process.
Doug Corkern is a crowd pleaser with his sketches inspired by his direct observation of familiar Bluffton sites, happenings, people and pups. His work is truly loved by many here in the Bluffton area.
Wayne Edwards continues to evolve and refine his craft. “Capturing light and how it plays out on objects is a challenge to me”, often showing the viewer a look back into history with his subject matter.
Jim Lewis loves his new life in the lowcountry so rich in inspiration. Whether it’s the marshes, the sky, the shrimp boats in harbor, or a model on the beach. I enjoy painting on location “en plain air” but even more often working in the studio recreating the essence of a scene from a combination of sketches and color. His use of the palette knife is maturing and appears to be an effortless recreation of one of our beautiful coastal scenes.
Amiri Farris is always a crowd favorite presenting his reflection on the Gullah culture or his sea creatures dressed out in creative papers and color.
Robert Highsmith, an American Watercolor society artist creates an almost photographic representation of our waterways with his watercolors. His minimal use of brush strokes and use of white paper surprises the viewer. His mature approach to watercolor continues to drive a significant following here and in his southwest home.
Garth’s work is work becoming even more ordered, refined and “tight”, such that there is no mistaking whatsoever the subject matter portrayed. Wildlife and landscapes still remain the focus of much of my recent work, although I’m capable of working with almost any subject matter that comes to mind.