Born in 1953 Lewis realized at an early age that he had a gift and calling in artistic pursuits. He is a BFA graduate of Columbus College of Art and Design. His artistic influences range from Whistler to Wolf Kahn. Though he has only recently begun to paint for exhibition, Lewis has years of experience as an illustrator, art director, designer and University art instructor. His new paintings are mature yet fresh, abstraction and realism combined and reduced to a simple reminder of the everyday, and sometimes the exotic creation around us. This kind of work is only accomplished through experience, authority, and vision, this kind of vision from humility, love and faith. He resides with his wife Sherry on a wooded hilltop in the Arkansas Ozark foot hills. Strong family ties in Florida contribute to his range of subject matter, and love for seascape and tropical subjects.
“My approach to painting is influenced by my work as a designer, and from years of painting and instructing watercolor. The result is, a sense of order, balanced by spontaneity and energetic brushwork, direct and intuitive. I’m inspired, not primarily to represent, but to respond creatively, and to infuse the work with a sense of being and a delight in seeing. I find satisfaction in extracting something of the essence of the subject, letting the simplicity of that make a statement. I believe that creativity is a calling, requiring vision, and providing evidence of our Creator the source of the call and vision. Receiving inspiration and responding intuitively are functions of the spiritual nature, adding a dimension of beauty and mystery to our existence.”